I was at first a little disappointed about the high ISO performance. I was expecting too much I think. I was looking to get perfect pictures in very low light hand held at a decent shutter speed. Ya, that's not going to happen.
I did discover though that Noise Ninja will clean up my images very well. So well that I am not at all hesitant to use ISO 3200 where needed.
This was my biggest concern about the camera and I had some trouble getting over it.
As for the rest of the camera's performance I could not be happier. The burst rate of 6.3 fps is awesome. The focusing is dead on. The camera has the ability to fine tune the focusing but I have not tried that out yet. The build of the body is solid. It feels really good in the hand. The image quality is amazing. 15 mega pixels compared to 10 is a big difference. The camera still handles the larger file size well but downloading and post processing them is a longer procedure.
Well that's it for now. I'll write some more as I play with more of the features.
Here are some of my more recent photos.
56mm, ISO 1600, f/5.6 for 1/60 sec. Early morning window light very heavy overcast. The room was moody, dimly lit. Very impressed at the ISO performance and Noise Ninja's cleanup of the noise.
53mm, ISO 200, f/6.3 for .4 seconds (the exif tells me 2/5 seconds Odd). This is a shot for my course. Still life using 45 degree light and a reflector. Light from camera right and reflector camera left.
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