I just read a post on Scott Kelby's blog about how some professional sports photographers stole a dream away from an amature photographer and proud dad. He had won a sideline pass for a major soccer game and that outraged the so called professional photographers and they rallied to have the pass revoked. NOT VERY PROFESSIONAL. Were they worried that he would be a better photographer than them? Are we amateurs such a threat to a professional that they have to go this far. I feel for this guy. It saddens me.
Anyway, here is the link to the post.
As a professional spors photographer of many years I was extremely disappointed and embarrassed at the petty bitching of the so called"pros" who kept this guy from taking photos of his son. It's a sad commentary on the attitudes of people in today's society. "Me first, me only,**** you" seems to be the mantra of a large number of people. It's unfortunate that the university caved in to these stupid, selfish idiots.