Friday January 14 2011.
As I get older I find myself doing with my kids what my Dad did with me. You know, things like yelling at me and kicking my butt, Haha, just kidding.
Any time we went out with Dad and the time was right we would go for lunch or supper. What did we have? Why fast food of course! I take at least one of my kids everywhere I go so if we are out at supper time where do we go. Yup McDonalds of course.
Ah, memories. :)
Funny enough, supper or lunch time with my dad was always home fries and hot dogs before we watched some kind of sports on la télé. Rotten Ronnie's was the place I went with my friends when I got my first job: $0.99 Hamburgers and free refills cause we knew a guy. Still those Golden Archs are responsible for quite a lot of memories.