Some how work and home have gotten in the way of my photo a day posting!! How rude.
I'll post them here right now to catch up. :)
47.365 Brush

Wednesday February 16 2011.
The Girls Brush. How does she get so much hair in it when she's not even 4 yet. The joys of long hair I guess.
48.365 What The???

Thursday February 17 2011.
I saw it burst from the ground and by the time I grabbed my camera and ran back to the window it was a little more disbursed.
It's green. I can honestly say I've never seen a green cloud of whatever from this plastics plant before.
49.365 Night City

Friday February 18 2011.
Working on my last photo for the NYIP course. I'm not overly happy with the outcome here. It's a bit soft and there were trees in the way. It was way too cold to keep trying for a better shot so I think I'll wait until it warms up a bit.
11/365 Feb 19 2011. Late Night Early Morning. AKA 50.365

Saturday February 19 2011.
Some one is into my coffee this morning. I think we stayed up too late last night. :)
51.365 Passes For A Natural Smile?

Sunday February 20 2011.
So I said "Give me a nice normal smile". This is what I got. It's normal. Anything other than a scrunched nose and huge smile is forced.
52.365 I'm Four Now!

Monday February 21 2011.
We had the girl's birthday party today. She turns 4 tomorrow! Wow, 4 already. Where does the time go.
53.365 Creepy Cat.

Tuesday February 22 2011.
She got this Furreal Cat from her Uncle for her birthday. It's now her favorite toy. It is way to realistic. If it didn't click when it moved you'd think it was real. Kinda creepy if you ask me.
54.365 Getting Stronger.

Wednesday February 23 2011.
The sun is getting stronger now. Spring is not too far off! I actually have to keep my blinds closed in the afternoon or my office heats up too much. Ah, spring is on it's way.
55.365 Tablet.

Thursday February 24 2011.
I've started to use my graphics tablet to edit photos. Just for some finer work that requires more accuracy than a mouse. I like it a lot but it takes some getting used too.
56.365 New Headset.

Friday February 25 2011.
My old blue tooth headset finally crapped out. I picked up a new fancy one yesterday. Ah, the toys we can get these days. This one actually works properly with my iphone. The old one never did work with the voice commands.