I've been getting some static from a coworker about my constant use of the black fridge panel and black background. He feels they are getting a bit old.
Hahaha! I've been wanting to do a May 4th shot since last year when I missed it.
My son's Yoda was more than glad to help out today. This is probably the most creative photo I've done in months. I had to pull out my flash to get it right.
The boy was practicing his making words to day. ight and ink were the endings. He got them all without any trouble. Then it was on to spelling and some relaxing before bed.
Look who I found at the bottom of my camera bag! I thought I had emptied it right out looking for it when we got home from vacation. I guess not.
And my son got another in a Kinder Egg a couple of weeks ago.
I was going to clean the hood of my truck before the shot but I like the pattern the dust was making on the hood. Sometimes it pays not to wash your truck. :-)