First conscious memory of the day. :-)
The Last Look.
This is the last thing I see when I leave for work in the morning. I get him up every morning and make sure he gets dressed and eats. He looks as tired as I was. TGIF!!
On The Road
I'm on the road. As you see, it's fall in Edmonton, Alberta and it's dark when I leave for work at 7:00 AM. Still light when I come home but not for much longer. :( Nothing like sitting in traffic drinking coffee to wake you up.
I usually see this type of sunrise when It's dark enough out in the morning. Not the best photo but you get the idea.
Back Hoe Sunrise
You just have to love the sunrise on a shiny clean back hoe. LOL.
The First Of Several.....
Walks to the main building 1/2 a mile down the road. I will drive if the weather is bad or I have lots to carry but I really prefer to walk. It gives me time to get over the anger on my way back to my office from the main yard. :)
Work To Be Done.
We have been cleaning out our Quonset this week. It was a huge disaster thanks to the guys in the shipping department. Here we have to level this platform so I can erect some pallet racking on it next week. And you guys thought I just sat at the desk placing orders all day long. LOL.
Incoming Product.
Here's the most boring part of my job. Ordering supplies for the field jobs. They send me a list, I order it, I send it out to them. Woop-de-doo. I much prefer to order equipment but I'm done with that for this year I think.
Piles Of Paperwork.
This is today's pile. Not so bad. I still had time to get some work done outside.
Finally Home.
Usually this is the one who greets me first when I get home. Today I had to chase her down. :)
A Canadian Institution.
Tim Horton's is a Canadian coffee and dognut chain. All my Canadian friends will be quite familiar with this place I'm sure. Mmmmmm Coffee.
Thus It Ends.
And so my day ends as it began, with a large cup of coffee. Yes, I can drink coffee and fall asleep at the same time. :)
This concludes a typical day for me. Thanks for tuning in. LOL.
Hey, I just noticed I had the French side turned towards the camera....Oh, well I have enough French speaking friends that they will appreciate it. :) That just shows how tired I was by this point. What a long week it's been.