Thursday June 30 2011.
I just missed this one downing a worm! That would have been cool. Ah, well, they are a very nice bird. One of my favorites.
Wont even look at me. Barely a smile.
The 'are you gone yet' look. Although it was cute. Still it took 5 minutes for her to look my way.
Now, once I decided to stop directing them my photos of them got better. No forced smiles, no stiff posture, just a much more relaxed look and feel to them.
All I said to him here was 'Hey look at me' then he turned to me and gave me such a nice natural smile.
For this one we were outside doing homework with my son. He was reading to us. I had my camera up and she just looked at me with such a happy smile. Snap, there it is.
Quite often, I just follow them around when they are playing. I get some great candid stuff when they are just being themselves. I much prefer to see photos of kids as they are. Not sitting at Sears or Walmart. Those are not my kids, those are the ones who are mad at us and have decided not to cooperate. Here are some following around candid shots...
Setting up his Hotwheels track not paying any attention to me at all.
On the swing. Saw me at the last second.
Climbing a boulder in the desert mountains of southern California. I was waiting for him when he looked up to see where I was.
That's my approach to taking photos of my kids. Simple. Just be where they are and keep the camera up and ready to go all the time! But keep in mind, sometimes it's nice to just sit and be with your kids. If you are addicted to photography as I am this will be tough.
Thursday June 2 2011.
Our parking lot at work is over run with hares. I counted 5 just in my short walk from one end to the other.
I used to think they were so cute until the little buggers ate all the branches off my trees this past winter.