Friday, January 27, 2012

27.365.4 Stating The Obvious.

27.365.4 Stating The Obvious.Friday January 27 2012.

You'd be surprised how often even this goes unnoticed. Nothing worse than gasoline in a diesel tank.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

26.365.4 Finally!

26.365.4 Finally!Thursday January 26 2012.

Finally, after 3 months of waiting on a new machine to arrive, It was delivered. This is not the new one. It's the old one that is now mine. The new one goes to the more important folks.

Now, I'm mostly an office type. On the phone, placing orders, arranging shipments and such. But, I love to drive the equipment. Can't wait to move some stuff around the yard with this one. Way better than a back hoe with forks on it.

This think will lift my pick up like it's not even there. Hmmmm, sounds like a future photo of the day. :)


25.365.4 One Man's Garbage

25.365.4 One Mans GarbageWednesday January 25 2011.

So they say one man's garbage is another man's gold or some nonsense like that. I'm telling you people stop sending me you garbage. It's just garbage. LOL.

Seriously though, I like the color.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

24.365.4 Eye Of The Storm.

24.365.4 Eye Of The Storm.Tuesday January 24 2012.

Life is like a hurricane rushing around you all the time. It's so easy to get caught up in the stress of the everyday.

Yesterday I learned how to step into the eye of that storm and let the rushing go on around me while I control what I can. I thought I'd try to visualize that feeling. I must mention, I spun around for about 10 seconds trying to get a nice sharp shot of me. Now 20 minutes later, I'm still feeling a bit sick. LOL.


Monday, January 23, 2012

23.365.4 Going For A Ride

23.365.4 Going For A RideMonday January 23 2012.

My view as I get ready to take this newly returned from site 50 ton crane to a better parking spot. These things are so heavy. 88,000 lbs. You really feel it when you are driving it around the yard. Sure isn't my 1/2 ton!


22.365.4 Peaking Out

22.365.4 Peaking OutSunday January 22 2012.

The warm winter weather is back and this rock decided to peak out from under the snow. Eventually, I will miss the clean white blanket of snow here.


21.365.4 Angry Birds Live!

21.365.4 Angry Birds Live!Saturday January 21 2012.

Santa brought us an Angry Birds game. You choose a card, set it up as it directs and launch the birds in the order it tells you to and try to knock down all the pigs. Just like the viral smart phone app.

We had a blast! Angry Birds is the Pac Man of the new century.


20.365.4 Snow Flake Crafts.

20.365.4 Snow Flake Crafts.Friday January 20 2012.

My daughter is becoming very crafty at play school. Just about every day they make something cute.


19.365.4 Kinder Egg Bird

19.365.4 Kinder Egg BirdThursday January 19 2012.

Every once in a while, the Kinder Egg toy is kinda neat.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

18.365.4 Snow Patterns #3

18.365.4 Snow Patterns #3Wednesday January 18 2012.

Snow, blown across the windshield of my work truck. Simple little pattern that reminded me of photos I've seen of the arctic tundra. Drifts among drifts.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

17.365.4 Snow Patterns #2

01172012 _MG_6330 50DTuesday January 17 2012.

I love  the patterns drifting snow makes. Until I started with photography, I would never have noticed. Now however, I see little patterns everywhere I look.


16.365.4 Snow Patterns #1

16.365.4 Snow Patterns #1Monday January 16 2012.

I love  the patterns drifting snow makes. Until I started with photography, I would never have noticed. Now however, I see little patterns everywhere I look.


15.365.4 We Are Canadian.

15.365.4 We Are Canadian.Sunday January 15 2012.

-20°C with a windchill of -33°C blowing at their faces and they still want to play on the swing set.

Why? Because We Are Canadian. No temperature it too low for us. ( Ok, -35 before the windchill may be)


14.365.4 Freedom!

14.365.4 Freedom!Saturday January 14 2012.

Here they are, the cause of my next broken bone. LOL.
Last year's K2 Freedom inline skates. 25% off. Gotta love that. Discounted pain.

Seriously though, it will be a blast in the spring and summer.


13.365.4 New Inline Skates

13.365.4 New Inline SkatesFriday January 13 2012.

I bought the boy his first pair of inline skates today. I'm going to get myself a pair (first ones in 14 years) and see what bones I can break in the spring.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

12.365.4 In Need Of Repair

12.365.4 In Need Of RepairThursday January 12 2012.

These personal gas monitors seem to crap out at the worst possible time. When ever I don't have all the parts I need. Oh well, the missing detector will be in this week and I can put this one back together and send it out the the job site.


11.365.4 New Task

11.365.4 New TaskWednesday January 11 2012.

This was a new one for me. I've loaded and unloaded trailers for many many years but I've never had to drive anything larger than a bobcat onto a trailer. This was a bit unnerving. It's higher than it looks in the photo.

All is well though. I didn't drive off the back or fall on the edge.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10.365.4 Air Hockey

10.365.4 Air HockeyTuesday January 10 2010.

The kids enjoy a quick intense game of air hockey after supper. They are so competitive.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

9.365.4 Waiting Patiently

9.365.4 Waiting PatientlyMonday January 9 2012.

We are back at the skating lessons today. 3rd session this year. There were so many kids that Mikayla had to wait for the rest to catch up. So many new ones this year. She just sat waiting for them all to gather around in her area.


Monday, January 9, 2012

8.365.4 Loves Being Outside

8.365.4 Loves Being OutsideSunday January 8 2012.

Lily loves being outside. We have trouble getting her to come in right now. I can only imagine what it will be like in the summer time.


6.365.4 New Plant

6.365.4 New Plant

Saturday January 7 2012.

The shelf sports a new plant from Ikea. Long live Ikea. :)


Friday, January 6, 2012

6.365.4 Toys In My Desk

6.365.4 Toys In My DeskFriday January 6 2012.

How is it that at 44 years old I have toys in my desk drawer at work? Don't get me wrong, it's cute but why do I have it at work?

Notice the shadow. This was lit with window light in my office. The best part of winter in Canada is the low angle of the sun all day. This was shot just before 1PM. Nice long shadow and warm light.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

5.365.4 Red And Rust

5.365.4 Red And RustThursday January 5 2012.

Why is it that I'm attracted to all the rusted and red items in the yard at work? I love the textures of the rust and the red just gets the blood going.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4.365.4 Out And About

4.365.4 Out And AboutWednesday January 4 2012.

I was out for a walk around the yard today and decided to make a self portrait. I don't do many of those.

It's amazingly warm out to day. 9C! For Edmonton Alberta in January that's at least 20 degrees C above the normal!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3.365.4 Futility.

3.365.4 Futility.Tuesday January 3 2012.

As I spent most of the morning un-stapling, re ordering and then stapling back together the various invoices that come across my desk each day, I was struck by the sheer pointlessness of staples.

You pop them in only to have them taken back out and then put back in then taken back out. On and on and on. Futile effort.


Monday, January 2, 2012

2.365.4 Vanishing Point

2.365.4 Vanishing PointMonday January 2 2012.

In following my new plan of focusing on composition this year, I've tried to place the line between the propane bottles in the center of the frame leading they eye up from the bottom of the photo to the top.

Sadly there was nothing I could use at the top of the frame to bounce the eye back down into the image but I hope the line up the center will do that.

Have I succeeded?


1.365 Happy New Year! Another Round Of Daily Photos.

1.365 Happy New Year!!Sunday January 1 2012.

Happy New Year everyone! The last few months of 2011 saw very little in the way of photography for me. Huge loss of focus. This year I plan to push through it and get at least one descent photograph a day.

This calendar is older than me. It was my Grandmothers. When she died last year, it made it's way to me. I miss her a lot.

This years focus is going to be on composition. I feel I have a pretty good handle on the technical side of photography. Exposure and focus are coming easier for me now but the creative side is giving me some problems. I tend to be more of a technical person than creative but at least I am willing to practice and learn.

Books, books and more books with a lot of practice will be on the agenda this year. I hope there is a noticeable improvement.
