Monday, November 12, 2012

Fun On The Hill

I'm Canadian and as a Canadian, I deal with the winter weather in the best way I can. For me and my family, that means dressed warm and facing it with contempt on our faces. We play in the cold white stuff just as if it was summer. We are Canadian, no winter weather is going to get the better of us!

Snow covered hills offer an opportunity for adrenaline filled fun! The younger you are when you begin, the better it is!

This photo, taken with my iPhone 4 which I love for moments like this, is shortly after the long trek back up the hill from a good fast run down.

Here is a link to the video on youtube I tried to make while we screamed down the hill at the speed of sound!! Nothing like an HD video camera to make it look faster than it really was.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

And The Season Of Snow Photography Arrives!

I'm always excited when winter first arrives. The photos look so clean and crisp. The excitement soon gives way to being tired of the cold and having to sweep the truck off and shovel the walks but oh the bliss of the first month or so.

It's been snowing most of the day today. The Girl and I tried to make a snow man but the snow is just too dry. She did make for a good subject though.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Craft Kind Of Day

My kids love to do crafts. It keeps them busy with their hands and out of trouble. :)

My son painted a couple of bird houses that I'm quite sure anything larger than a hummingbird would not fit in. He likes color. Lots of color.

I really liked how the colors came out very saturated. I boosted the clarity all the way up and got this great grungy look.

Craft Day

He's also big on the details too. Adding just the right amount of accent color to please his 8 year old sense of these things.

Such fun to watch him concentrate on it.
