Monday, July 4, 2011

183.365 Young Crow.

183.365 Young Crow.

Saturday July 2 2011.

We have a nest of crows on the lot. Here is the last one to leave the nest. He's not quite flying just yet but the next day he was gone from this tree.

I'm literally at arms length from this little one. It even let me pet it. That was a bit odd. Also, I never new the little ones had such blue eyes!



  1. Hi Chris, that's a beautiful pic, question is that a HD camera. My friends are trying to talk me into going HD.

  2. Hi Zach,

    Thank you for the comment. No, it's just a standard image. Canon 50D actually. Works really well.


  3. When I was growing up out in the country, crows were afraid of people. Living in a city now, they are adapting to us quite well. Petting one- that's wild!

  4. I was very surprised it let me get close to it for the photo never mind the petting!
