Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Low Light Photography - Camp Fire Photos.

Camping. Who doesn't love it? I love taking photos at the lake. Anybody who's been to the lake with me can tell you that. What about getting some fun shots from around the camp fire? It used to involve a tripod and the subject posing or using the flash for the candid shots. Either way, the shot was not the same. It was either way to "posed" looking or the flash just ruined the great light from the fire.

Recently, I took some photos around the campfire with a very high ISO, 6400, and my 50mm f/1.8 lens wide open to f/1.8. Of course this produced some pretty bad noise. Especially with the ISO at 6400. I could have gone with a lower ISO setting but I really wanted the faster shutter speed to get the sharpest photo I could. Well what to do? I used Noise Ninja to take care of the noise. Here are the resulting photos. I won't bore you with the before shots, trust me it was like looking at a sand painting!

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233/365 2009. Mesmerized by the Fire Light.

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