Monday, August 24, 2009

Meditative Photography.

Recently I've been asked repeatedly why my camera is always in my hand. Well, let me try to explain my apparant obsession with photography.

Actually, I heard a pod cast this morning that explained it pretty well. Rob Nunn just released a pod cast on this very thing.  It speaks volumes about what I think on the topic.

It's meditative. Plain and simple.

When I'm taking photos, the world seems to stop. Nothing matters at that moment but me and my camera and my subject. Whether it's one of my kids, or a bird or a rock. Everything just stops. My mind clears, my blood pressure goes down, my heart slows, my breathing slows. I just feel much better about everything. There was a time in my life where I actually took up meditation itself. I was more confident, more relaxed, harder to anger, healthier. Less stressed out. Life got in the way of that, kids and busy days at work will do that. I've found my new meditation.

I can take my camera with me anywhere and I do. All I have to do is stop, look around me and take some photos. Instant meditation. This is not to say that everytime I have my camera means that I need to slow down and clear my mind but, more often than not, that is the case.

I have created a set on my Flickr stream called Meditative Photography. Please check it out and share your thoughts with me.


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