Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Hero.

Thursday May 6 2010.

Ok, This is not a photo from today which I never do but let me explain.

As a kid my Dad was my hero. He was the toughest, meanest, strongest guy I knew. He could do anything, fix anything, build anything. He was my hero.

As a Dad now myself, my son is my hero. In the last month he has had two fillings done in his teeth and didn't even flinch when they stuck him with the needle for the freezing. Today, he had both his eyes operated on to straighten them, they were a little turned in. While recovering in his room this afternoon, the other little boy in the room who had his eyes done just before Jacob, was not doing well. The anesthetic was pretty hard on the little guy. As he was waking up at one point, Jacob turns his closed eyes to me and says, "is that little boy going to be ok?". Never mind that he just has surgery on both his eyes and they were sore and he couldn't stand the light, he just wanted to know if that other little boy was going to be alright.

Enter the Hero of my adulthood.

125.365 My Hero.


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