Friday, September 25, 2009

Photo Of The Day - 267 of 365. Is It Time To Go Home Yet?

Friday September 25 2009.

SOOC. This is what I look like by the end of the week. Notice how my fingers fit so nicely into the receeding hair line. I wonder what caused the receeding hair line to begin with?

Happy Friday Everyone!!

267/365 2009. Is It Time To Go Home Yet?

Canon 50D, EF-S17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM, ISO 100, f/4 for 1/25 sec.



  1. Your arm looks freaky. Like it was CG'd in, or is 3-D. Looks like it doesn't quite fit in.

  2. That's one problem with using the wide angle lens. Everything up close gets all skewed. The closer it is, the bigger it looks.
