Friday, October 23, 2009

Lightroom 3 Beta.

Adobe has released a beta version of Lightroom 3. I've downloaded it from Adobe here. Keep an eye on my blog for my thoughts and feelings on this latest version. Features include better noise reduction which I'm keen on. I'll keep you posted.

Here are some of the highlights,

1 ) Importing has been redesigned
2 ) Collections panel in the Develop Module
3 ) Better Noise Reduction
4 ) Grain feature
5 ) Improved vignetting controls
6 ) Drag and Drop Publishing to the Web
7 ) Watermarking
8 ) Export Slideshows with music
9 ) Custom Print Package for creating print layouts
10 ) Change the background color of prints

I'm looking forward to the watermarking.



  1. The built in watermarking is nice, the text watermark is a little basic. It would be nice if it was possible to rotate the text a little bit. I need to try the graphic watermark, but that involves me making a logo (yeah, more work).

    I'll drop in once and a while and share my other thoughts as I continue to explore the beta.

  2. You can rotate the watermark but only by 90 degree increments. I'd like a little more too but will most likely stick with something simple.

    Keep us updated on your thoughts too.
